Myths about Large Language Models (LLMs) like #Chatgpt #Gemini #Llama and others


- LLMs can understand like humans: LLMs work on pattern matching using algorithms. LLMs cannot understand the questions as humans do and so the response might not be always 100% as expected.

- Accuracy of LLMs:While models try for accuracy, the information given might be incorrect or misleading. Model does not verify facts of the response

- More data will improve response of LLMs:While more data can improve quality to some extent, fine tuning, transfer learning, tunning some parameters, modifying architecture of data flow, etc. can improve performance of LLMs.

- LLMs can be creative like humans: LLMs can generate text, images or videos. While LLMs can augment human creativity but it cannot replace complexity of human creativity.

- LLMs are invulnerable to errors or manipulation: LLMs can make mistakes and can be manipulated with adverse inputs to generate misleading information.

- LLMs will surpass human intelligence: Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is still far off from reality and hence LLMs are far from achieving human-like intelligence.


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